The Phenomenal “Rachel Grante”(mother, entrepreneur, and model) girl power at its best !!!

FadTribune : Please present about your profile what are you working now?
The Phenomenal “Rachel Grante” (mother, entrepreneur, and model), girl power at its best!!
FadTribune : What inspired you to develop your idea?
Helping other Kings and Queens to aspire to be their best self. Allowing their outer beauty to match your inner beauty.
FadTribune : How have your priorities changed from when you first started?
They have not changed only the plan
FadTribune : Knowing what you know now, is there anything you would have done differently when you were first starting out?
No, or else I would not have learned the lessons I did, as long as I learned and changed for the better, I would not change a thing only the future of my higher self
FadTribune : How did you decide where to establish your company?
Realtor and where I live , a miracle
FadTribune : What challenges did you have to overcome at the beginning of your journey?
Mom being sick, divorce, single mom, covid shutting down salons, burying my brother and planning funeral
FadTribune : What is unique about your business?
I do every hair type in the world to unite all people.
FadTribune : What advice would you give to someone who is trying to become an entrepreneur?
To practice self love and gratitude you have to under stand the laws and the high vibrationtions
FadTribune : How do you define success?
Happiness and helping others find the same
FadTribune : What have you enjoyed most about starting your own company?
Freedom to create my own atmosphere for myself and like minded others and winning others over
Owner of haute Feng Shui hair design studio 703-842-5300
Photographers: Sheldon Richardson & Brian J silver