HB RADIO is stepping in a syndicated direction

From humble beginnings to currently having more than 5 million listeners monthly, HB RADIO brings together hip-hop fans from all backgrounds and corners of the globe. The station has now surpassed 8 years on the air and has bagged the number 1 spot for digital radio in Las Vegas, NV. HB Radio is the true definition of culture. Inspired by the genre, motivated by the community.
They have risen from driven independence to unstoppable success, creating a listening and now visual experience that is second to none. HB RADIO has been said to be a family who truly sees the same vision in making sure the future of radio is upheld, and it seems like that’s exactly what they’re doing with their newest partnering venture. The Function Mix is the longest running program on HB Radio, celebrating 5 years with DJ Hartbreaker, DJ Prenup, Xquisite Complex, and Jay Golden. Along with playing the hottest new music on the program, The Function Mix also brings funny, engaging segments like Bar Talk Tuesdays, Would You Rather, Hip Hop Opera, Marry Cheat Waste, Let’s Talk About It and more.
The Function Mix has now added a new chapter and is officially a nationally syndicated program which can be heard on DASH RADIO, THE CITY every Friday and Saturday night, 8-10 PM (PST). We will be paying close attention to HB Radio as they have continued over the years to surprise us with amazing new ways we can engage and listen. Make sure to download the HB RADIO and DASH RADIO apps, available in all app stores.
IG: HB RADIO © (@hbradio_lv)