Artist YND Officiel continues to make waves in music track 2023

1 year after, the artist Iamyannis is back with an album for 2023, he unveils the track list of « FOURBERIE » scheduled for the end of March.
Everything is quite clear in its promotion, starting with the cover. Understood: the artist carried out an interior reboot that he could well detail on the occasion of the fifteen pieces that make up his project.It was also a theme that floated above « GANGSTER », via a poignant and above all very symbolic clip.
The artist has things to say, guidelines to remember. Another strong decision: no featuring is planned. Two years earlier, he had surrounded himself with a few headliners for his project. This time, the rapper makes the choice of solo field, a prize party that fits perfectly with the story he tells so far.
It now remains to be seen which directions yannis will take over his pieces.
That will be for March 27.