The Supreme Court’s ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade led to several abortion rights protests this past weekend, many centered in Downtown Los Angeles. Rallies took place at City Hall and expanded onto several L.A. streets all weekend, with marches spilling onto nearby freeways on Friday. On Saturday and Sunday, they were met by LAPD blockades.

The female-led platform Gritty In Pink teamed up with Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights LA, presenting “Rock For Abortion Rights,” a flatbed truck concert in front of the U.S. Federal Courthouse. Artists performed songs including Rage Against The Machine’s “Killing In the Name” as well as Meredith Brooks’ “Bitch” and Melissa Etheridge’s “All-American Girl.” Fat Mike of NOFX premiered a new tune “US A-holes… get the f*** outta our holes!” while local group BabyGhost performed a number called “My Body My Choice,” and singer Dani Hagan offered “Get a Vasectomy,” among others.
“The concert and rally was empowering and inspiring,” noted Gritty’s founder Shira Yevin about Saturday’s gathering. “It was radical to see so many artists mobilize quickly to not only come together to perform for the cause, but also write original songs. And to have the support of Fat Mike was important, because he has such a big platform, which he is using for good- by helping to amplify our message. Although Gritty In Pink is a platform for female artists, male allies are so crucial to this fight. This ruling must not stand!”

(Additional reportage by Charlotte Pinkerson)